POTW 7/6/20


Mings Racing is this week’s Photo of the Week winner! Mings Racing’s pic is of Randy Mings in the far lane and Caleb Mings in the near lane running each other at Dome Valley Raceway in Wellton, AZ.Photo Credit: PDQ Photos

POTW 5/26/20


Michael McCord is this week’s Photo of the Week winner! Michael’s pic is of himself, testing out his drag truck at a private location and throwing up some rooster tails! Photo Credit: Taylor Shreiner

POTW 5/18/20


Matt Willis is this week’s Photo of the Week winner! Matt’s pic is of him in his new drag truck from earlier this year, going vertical, at the Keyes Peak Up Hill Truck Drags in Florence, Wisconsin.

POTW 5/11/20


Craig Natschke is this week’s Photo of the Week winner! Craig’s pic is of his newly built International Scout all set up for sand drags. We’ll be seeing this awesome machine running in Michigan area later this year.

POTW 5/4/20

Shelly Morales is this week’s Photo of the Week winner! Shelly’s pic is of Wesley Fuller charging down the track at the SCSDA Jimmy Depasse Memorial Race earlier this year at Soboba Casino in San Jacinto, CA Photo Credit: Trevor Nelson Photography